Seminar on "Pragmatic Solar PV Solutions for Pakistan"

Electrical Engineering Department has organized a day seminar on "Pragmatic Solar PV Solutions for Pakistan" on 28th March, 2013 at 11.30am. Dr. Hassan Abbas Khan, Mitsubishi Research Fellow, SSE, LUMS conducted the seminar. Below are the details of the seminar.

Due to soaring fossil fuel prices and their limited availability, the global energy focus is shifting towards renewable resources. However, Pakistan is lagging behind in utilizing its huge potential in renewable resources. The technological knowledge of solar photovoltaics (PV) in Pakistan is very limited at best. In this talk Dr. Hassan will present current state of affairs in solar PV in Pakistan with a focus towards the technological shortcomings. He will highlight various flawed practices in the system design which lead to un-optimized and unreliable systems, thus contributing towards the lack of social acceptability of PV. Conforming to proper design methodologies and detailed understanding of technological aspects will go a long way in making PV ubiquitous in Pakistan.

About the author:
Dr. Hassan Abbas Khan, Mitsubishi Research Fellow, School of Science and Engineering, LUMS

Dr. Khan received the B.Eng degree in electronic engineering from GIKI, Pakistan in 2005. From 2005 to 2010, he was with School of Electrical Engineering, The University of Manchester, UK where he first received his MSc (with distinction) and then PhD in electrical and electronic engineering. His doctorate thesis was on characterization of GaAs and InP based devices for optoelectronic applications. His current work is on the research and development of solar cells through low cost techniques and optimized conversion and transmission of the generated energy to diversify power systems. His research work has been published in top tier journals such as IEEE Quantum Electronics, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, IET Optoelectronics, European Physical Journal and Renewable & Sustainable energy reviews.

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